Digital media is a growing industry that is fast-paced, flexible and exciting to work in. The people who work in today's media are educated, dedicated, multi-skilled and they love what they do. It’s their commitment and talent that's at the heart of successful digital media companies.
In return, workers at those companies deserve careers that pay decently, that are rewarding, and where they can have input into decisions that affect their work.
Over the past few years, over 4,000 media workers have decided to gain a voice and improve their working conditions by forming unions. In Canada, VICE, BuzzFeed, Canadaland and National Observer workers have all organized and joined CWA Canada.
Join us.
VICE Canada • Canadaland • BuzzFeed • National Observer • CBC/Radio Canada • The Canadian Press • APTN • TVO • Montreal Gazette • Victoria Times-Colonist • Other newspapers and media outlets across Canada
CWA Canada Members
In Their Own Words

Navi Lamba
former Senior Social Media Producer,
VICE Canada
“I was thrilled to be at VICE Canada when we decided to join a union. My colleagues are some of the most thoughtful and creative members of the industry, and together we make A+ stuff. So, the fact that we've all come together to support a union drive means that we believe in working with management to improve working conditions for everyone.”

Tamara Baluja
Social Media Presenter,
CBC Vancouver
“At CBC, we have a really strong collective agreement that ensures we are compensated fairly for the work that we do and that we have a voice in the newsroom. As local president, my goal is to enforce the collective agreement and increase awareness of the work the union does. We've launched a Facebook page where we post regularly, and we hold informational sessions on topics of interest to our members."
CWA Canada aims to improve working conditions and raise standards throughout the media industry. Members of CWA Canada, and our largest Local, the Canadian Media Guild, work in digital media, broadcast, and newspapers across the country as journalists, editors, producers, writers, photographers, designers, technicians, sales and advertising reps and other media experts.

A Voice in the Workplace
A union helps level the playing field between you and your employer. Acting individually, you have little power. If you ask for a raise or want something changed and management says no, what can you do? Being part of a union gives you and your colleagues the power to negotiate collectively for a better work life.

Fair Workplace Standards
Union contracts put working conditions in writing and provide a fair process to deal with issues that arise. CWA Canada supports its members in negotiating contracts that fit the needs of their particular workplace. Everything from fair salaries with regular increases, to paid time off, to editorial independence, to training opportunities, to protections from unjust discipline and firing can be covered.

Fighting for the Future of Journalism
CWA Canada knows that the future of good, effective journalism depends on the ability of workers to build sustainable careers in the sector. We strive for a thriving media sector where workers have editorial independence, fair pay, job security and adequate resources to do their best work.